
By definition, a person cannot live without attention, help and communication, especially if he or she is lonely, especially if she is sick, lives in the cold, in a destroyed hut, far from civilization, and if that person is Jewish.
This is the basis of such a trust for the funds of the American Jewish Distribution Committee “Joint”, as well as for charitable donations of individuals and organizations in 2000 “Hesed Spira” was created, which joined our Hesed in 2017.
It is a center that provides material, medical, psychological and spiritual support to more than 1,100 clients living in 67 settlements of Transcarpathia. Hesed’s representative offices operate in Mukachevo, Khust, Beregovo, Svalyava, Vynohradiv, Tyachiv, Rakhiv, and Inter-Gory.

Публикации о фонде

  • vz
    Поруч із пам’яткою архітектури будують торговий центр без належної документації.
  • jewishnews
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