That is a real film studio. It deals with true chronicles of Hesed’s life and shoots films in different genres. The eye of its video camera carefully monitors every event in Hesed, fixing the most interesting ones on its tape. Its archive constantly updates with new material of increasing artistic value. Its films are awarded and recognized at the yearly festival “Jewish Vision” where the participants learn the art of film making on the examples of the masterpieces of the past, had been created by the outstanding figures of the world cinematography like Sergey Eisenstein, Dsiga Wertow, Charlie Chaplin along with other outstanding representatives of Jewish people. Each charitable event provided by Hesed is accompanied by the short videos, produced by “Film chronicle” program.
Публикации о фонде
Поруч із пам’яткою архітектури будують торговий центр без належної документації.
В Gary Bowman Gallery во Львове проходит выставка "Артур Шик - человек диалога" работ польско-еврейского художника Артура Шика, подготовленная Центром "Диалогаим" ("Диалоги") Марка Эдельмана.
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