Minutes hurry to become years, hours compose days which turn into weeks, the weeks line up the squadrons of months which are marching to the camps of years. In the course of time along with big and small problems, achievements and joys Hesed “Goor-Arieh” in Drohobych has been already living for 13 years. In translation from Hebrew it means “lion’s whelp”. All programs of “a big lion” (“Hesed-Arieh”) successfully function in Drohobych: food program, rehabilitation equipment loan, home care, medicine programs, prosthetics, etc. Cultural life is the field of action of “Club” which regularly arranges Kabbalat Shabbats, literary and musical parties, rehearsals of vocal and dancing amateur groups. The video salon shows documentaries and movies on Jewish tradition and culture including those made by Jews in different countries. The volunteers actively participate in everyday job including “Laundry”, “Hairdresser’s”, arranging Shabbats and dealing with the librarian work. The volunteers-musicians are indispensable participants of each concert and any musical party. Hesed can also boast of its children’s programs and “Family Club”. Children and families of the region are being constantly supervised and taken care of Hesed. “Goor-Arieh” is doing a big job in its neighboring towns Stryy, Truskavets, Boryslav and Sambir. Social and communal programs provide people with medical consultations and delivery of medicines, “hot meal” and food packages, rehabilitation equipment, books, newspapers and magazines. Hesed assists its regional clients with the repair of home appliances, furniture and sanitary engineering, organizing holidays and Shabbats in the local communities.
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