Our clients are aged people. Most of them suffer from chronic diseases and simply cannot exist without medical care provided by Hesed. “Medicine program” is responsible for that. Its main aim is provision with medicines, if necessary — in-patient treatment, organization of individual consultations at home for those who cannot go out, preventive actions, prosthetics, cataract surgeries and other operations.
As a rule hospitalization takes place in a departmental hospital and stipulated by the agreement with Hesed.
Those who need medical care at home are kindly provided with medical consultations, blood-sugar-tests, blood pressure measurements. Monthly over 2200 Ukrainian citizens make use of pharmacies. Hearing-aids and eyeglasses are free of charge.
The subprogram “Phoenix” ensures rehabilitation of the aged people living in the region. Its activity combines “Medicinel program”, “Day Center” and “Club”. In the course of the treatment period the clients are provided not only with medical assistance but are welcomed to be engaged in interesting and cognitive programs with the help of librarian and “Club” workers.
The “Labriut” program ensures rehabilitation of people with the diseases of locomotor apparatus and cardiovascular system in the sanatorium “Lyuben’-Velykyy” and “Shklo”.
The subprogram “Grace” supports women after mammotomy surgeries. In 2012 this program celebrated its 10th anniversary. “Grace” program provides women not only with prosthetic devices but also with proper psychological adaptation. Regular meetings bring women to close communication and cheer them up.
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