“Shalom Chaverim” is simultaneously a greeting and the name of our Family Club. The Club as one of the first communal programs which was opened in late 1999. It is in Family Club parents and children have the unique opportunity to participate in the communal life synchronously. In order to keep everyone interested, we arrange lectures, debates, educational tours as well as educational-entertainment programs. Having composed our own scenarios we enjoy participation in miniperformances, role games or just games. We work together in the kitchen in the project “Recipes of our grandmothers”. During our meetings in the Club we write poetry, songs and make greeting cards — excellent presents for birthdays. We enjoy our common work and help each other using our professional experience. We have a unique opportunity while learning Jewish tradition to strengthen inter-family relations what sufficiently supplements to the lack of communication. The action “The alive’s debt” – the care of the graves in Jewish cemetery leaves no one indifferent. In Family Club we learn self- realization, creativity and communication. (more…)
This is a club for the young and active people with positive thinking, craving for the development and who are ready to assist the others. Our Club is the youth volunteers’ school with informal educational methods.
You are welcomed to visit numerous lessons which include various trainings and quests in the groups; master classes, as well as sessions for the leadership development, sports, arts, movie clubs, etc.
At the end of each cycle you will be awaited for various volunteers’ missions for showing yourselves up.
Everything what is needed from you – is your desire and time!
The group is not very young already, founded in January 2007. The main purpose of the group consists in demonstration of the fact that Yiddish music is not a relic but is quite a modern platform for the youth cultural development and makes interest for both representatives of Jewish nationality and the widest circle of people completely unknowledgeable in music. Its repertoire includes old and modern songs in Yiddish, niguns in a capella performances. In its activity the group tries to combine traditions and modern tendencies of “world music”. The members of the group sincerely believe that Jewish music in Ukraine will become soon an integral part of the youth musical club movement, which already has been existing for years abroad.
The ensemble has been existing since 2000 in order to attract attention of the youth to Jewish culture not only in choreographic respect but also to bring them closer to the history, tradition, literature, applied art and music. Its main task is revival of dancing culture of Jewish people. Except choreographic miniatures, now its repertoire includes big choreographic performances (“Ruth”, “Cinamon’s heavens”, “Shtukar”) which were repeatedly awarded and widely recognized during numerous contests and festivals both in Ukraine and abroad. Its musical material comprises the examples of all genres: folk songs remakes, pop or jazz compositions, chamber and symphonic works.
Поруч із пам’яткою архітектури будують торговий центр без належної документації.
В Gary Bowman Gallery во Львове проходит выставка "Артур Шик - человек диалога" работ польско-еврейского художника Артура Шика, подготовленная Центром "Диалогаим" ("Диалоги") Марка Эдельмана.
Львів – центр міжетнічної толерантності чи непримиренного протистояння? Тут продовжується Європа чи починається Азія? Чим є ксенофобія для львів’ян – темою анекдотів чи гіркою реальністю? Знайти оптимістичні відповіді на поставлені запитання допомогла б малярська виставка «Єврейський вимір» у Музеї Ідей.