Studio is attended both by children and grown-ups. Here they are taught to make elements of decor, pillows, napkins, candlesticks, lamps, traditional Shabbat attributes and master the household art technique. Studio expositions are constantly renewing and its goods are very popular and demanded during all Hesed’s charitable events.
Art workshop closely cooperates with the art studio “Metamorphoses”. It deals with artistic-aesthetic education for both children and the grown-ups in the spirit of their involvement into Jewish crafts: artistic painting of glass and glassware, silk painting, applications, reizeles (cutting) and the figures made of salted dough. Often the whole families are engaged in the workshop and everyone can find here the work close to his heart. The works of Keshet’s craftsmen have been repeatedly demonstrated during numerous exhibitions. They are actively participating in all Hesed’s events.
It goals the formation of a child’s creative thinking. Here children master traditional Jewish trades and fundamentals of art: drawing, silk painting (batik), dish painting, modelling, beading. The pupils of the art-studio actively participated in the festivals “Golden Stork” (Kiev) and “Famed-mane Lion” (Lviv). In 2007, the art-studio has made it possible to teach also the adults.
One of the Family Club activities is a special program “Yaholim”. The experience of Jewish Family Club has shown that some families which have children with both physical and mental problems remain beyond the bounds of the community. It has pushed to the introduction of “Yaholim” program. Summer weekends with participation of such kinds of families significantly facilitated the program’s development. The program provides people with the possibility to live in a community, to communicate with each other and get necessary psychological assistance. Main tasks of the program comprise Jewish education, strengthening of inner family relations, involving the families which have children with special needs into Jewish life, experience exchanging, mutual, information and psychological support. Now Lviv and families from the region are active “Yaholim” participants. And with the help of other programs we are trying to involve children with special needs into community life.
Поруч із пам’яткою архітектури будують торговий центр без належної документації.
В Gary Bowman Gallery во Львове проходит выставка "Артур Шик - человек диалога" работ польско-еврейского художника Артура Шика, подготовленная Центром "Диалогаим" ("Диалоги") Марка Эдельмана.
Львів – центр міжетнічної толерантності чи непримиренного протистояння? Тут продовжується Європа чи починається Азія? Чим є ксенофобія для львів’ян – темою анекдотів чи гіркою реальністю? Знайти оптимістичні відповіді на поставлені запитання допомогла б малярська виставка «Єврейський вимір» у Музеї Ідей.