The program is quite complicated, big and very intense. It serves over 1500 people. “Region” means “Hesed on wheels” which demands complex and operative coordination of all programs. This program functions from the very first day of Hesed’s foundation because we have realized that both our local and regional clients equally need social assistance. On the initial stage it comprised just food packages, rehabilitation equipment and home care. Now “Region” has significantly expanded its activity: people are assisted with necessary household care (ironing, repair of home appliances, etc.), medical consultations, medications supply at local pharmacies. Regular meetings with Hesed’s staff, so called “The region under microscope” is highly effective and popular among the clients. Its main purpose complies in profound study of regional problems and their solution. Such meetings of Hesed’s employees with our clients -residents of small villages and towns are usually combined with the concerts performed by local communal programs as well as acquaintances with new books and distribution of newspapers.
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Поруч із пам’яткою архітектури будують торговий центр без належної документації.
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