Was founded in May, 2001. This program has been designed for the lonely and people with low-mobility.
Its groups count over 100 aged people who successfully enjoy Hesed’s warm and hospitable home. Here they are always welcomed with a friendly chat, delicious food and unforgettable meetings. The possibility to communicate, to celebrate Jewish holidays and birthdays together, to do physiotherapy exercises and needlework is extremely important and necessary for the lonely and people with low-mobility. It helps them to feel themselves full members of the big and friendly Jewish family. Collaboration with other programs and celebration meetings with the youth make the lives of our customers more manifold, filling them with the sense. Those who are unable to get to Hesed by themselves are transported by Hesed’s bus.
“Forget about the glasses on your nose, autumn in your Heart”, — wrote our well-known compatriot Isaak Babel. We are not ashamed of glasses today it is fashionable and elegant accessory and there is a spring in our hearts because we don’t know about loneliness and never are bored. On the contrary — we can respect and love our Jewish roots and traditions and we enjoy the life because we are the Club of Hesed which for fifteen years if its existence in its activities has been uniting a huge number of people. Certainly, everything begins with Shabbat celebration. All together we celebrate all Jewish holidays and the rabbi of Progressive Judaism Community “Tejva” Siva Fainerman teaches us to do that properly. In particular, the candle light lit together keeps us warm and unites us from Saturday to Saturday from year to year! And many interesting and exiting things are taking place there as well… Various Club hobby groups invite everyone to express their talents: to sing together with “Scheine Meidelach”, to dance together with “Sherele”, to get engaged in handicrafts, to study English and Hebrew. Jewish matchmaker’s club “Shadchan” helps lonely hearts to find good friends and even to meet their “soul mates”.
It is a nervous system of Hesed, its “detectors”. The homecare workers are continuously busy with searching needy people. Through questionnaires they reveal their problems, bringing them to the solution and reporting about the urgent needs to the programs’ managers.
The program is quite complicated, big and very intense. It serves over 1500 people. “Region” means “Hesed on wheels” which demands complex and operative coordination of all programs. This program functions from the very first day of Hesed’s foundation because we have realized that both our local and regional clients equally need social assistance. On the initial stage it comprised just food packages, rehabilitation equipment and home care. Now “Region” has significantly expanded its activity: people are assisted with necessary household care (ironing, repair of home appliances, etc.), medical consultations, medications supply at local pharmacies. Regular meetings with Hesed’s staff, so called “The region under microscope” is highly effective and popular among the clients. Its main purpose complies in profound study of regional problems and their solution. Such meetings of Hesed’s employees with our clients -residents of small villages and towns are usually combined with the concerts performed by local communal programs as well as acquaintances with new books and distribution of newspapers.
Поруч із пам’яткою архітектури будують торговий центр без належної документації.
В Gary Bowman Gallery во Львове проходит выставка "Артур Шик - человек диалога" работ польско-еврейского художника Артура Шика, подготовленная Центром "Диалогаим" ("Диалоги") Марка Эдельмана.
Львів – центр міжетнічної толерантності чи непримиренного протистояння? Тут продовжується Європа чи починається Азія? Чим є ксенофобія для львів’ян – темою анекдотів чи гіркою реальністю? Знайти оптимістичні відповіді на поставлені запитання допомогла б малярська виставка «Єврейський вимір» у Музеї Ідей.